Hello, your not the first and definitely wont be the last screw, screw up. : ) I would first try tapping very gently a straight bladed screw driver into the old hex hole , with a thin blade just a bit wider than your stripped hex. Until you get a good bite to start removing the screw. You will have more torque force with a straight blade then with the hex and may also loosen the screw by the tapping action. By chance that doesn't work for you , you can try to get a bite of the outside screw head with a pair of small duck bill or flat nose mini pliers with teeth. Or a pair of the ifixit screw extracting pliers.Screw Extracting Pliers I would go nose down onto board(its only contact with a ground plain) squeeze screw head and turn. Only if all else fails would i think of drilling or cutting out. Hope this helps and good luck. Clyde
I followed your product link. Your probkem is listed under there second page of features. "Support android phone has OTG and UVC function after install." ( This is why phone worked. ) ("CameraFi" app )from google store,,such as Samsung Galaxy S4 S5 S6, Note 2, Note 3, Note 4, Note 5 ,HTC M9 ,M9+,M8,LG G4 etc" (So install CameraFi and you should be good to go.) Hope this helped. This is my first day on ifixit and first attempted answer..