Hey all! Ben, thank you very much for your time / energy put towards helping repair this thing!
Now, a question: I have this sound https://goo.gl/BPdiYU on the FIRST DAY that I got my grinder. I’ll admit that I was using home roasted beans, which are medium / light (actually more of a medium roast but because of the method I’m using there are some very light beans and some very dark beans also!). If you don’t feel like clicking the link, it’s the “clacking” sound, and it happens without beans in the hopper (and in fact with the trop part of the burr / grinder removed completely). I’m guessing I have to repair something, but before I get into taking the thing apart (on day one!) I was hoping somebody might be able to give a listen and give an opinion / confirmation that the sound you’re hearing is something that will require repair.