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Hello. I got a lightning accessory fan from Dave and busters. I have migraines so I figured it was perfect to aim directly...
더 읽어보기Hi. I literally have an iPhone 5s from !&&*. It’s my sister’s. It was having issues with recognizing chargers. I replaced...
더 읽어보기Hello. My grandmas old laptop had wine spilled on it. I was multimeter testing it to see if I saw anything weird. I found...
더 읽어보기Hello. I have a Lenovo flex 5 1570 81 ca laptop. The motherboard is la-e541p. A while ago,I hooked up a double sided usb...
더 읽어보기Hey guys. I have a Lenovo flex 5 1570 81ca. I stupidly plugged in a usb cable that was double sided. I wanted to transfer...
더 읽어보기Hello. First,thanks for any help! I got an AmScope SE400-Z. It’s supposed to be an awesome microscope for soldering! But...
더 읽어보기Hi. I got an amscope se400-z. It’s a pretty sweet microscope. Jessa Jones(awesome iPhone fixer/solder pro) uses that brand...
더 읽어보기답변
Many generic batteries are of very low quality. This includes internal circuitry(inside the battery that regulates and communicates with the device),and the quality of the battery itself. This is insanely common for crappy eBay batteries from Hong kong(this happens ALL the time). It definitely sounds like a bad battery assuming that this never happened with the old battery. I’d get a new one and make sure it is a reputable brand.
더 읽어보기Poster: edit: I found the electrolytic capacitor I thought was for the hdmi circuit had a partial short on the like reason .4 volts instead of .56. I removed the boost ic chip and the short is gone. Replaced it and no problems thus far.
더 읽어보기Does this phone normally fast charge? I have found that when my Motorola x pure died,it wouldn’t charge up for the life of it using my fast charger. I used a standard low power charger,and it worked. I don’t know why for sure,but I’ve sees this elsewhere too. try another charger of course. Remove the battery if it is external. Has it done this before? Does it show the dead battery symbol? If it shows nothing,it may not be powering on at all. There are way too many possibilities.
더 읽어보기Hey. First,did you disconnect the battery prior to the repair? Is the home button flex torn? Did you check it with a magnifying glass? This is beyond common to happen. It can tear so easily. When you lift it from the original adhesive,it can tear. This may have happened. Or if you were rough with it,the flex could have bent too much,or the fpc connector could have been damaged.
더 읽어보기You can use a multimeter to measure wire to tip of the jack. The very bottom is left,,second is right,third is ground,4th(most upper) is mic. This tell you which wire goes where on the jack itself. On the circuit board in the headphones,usually it will have an m,l,r,g marking initial.
더 읽어보기First,many screens sold as original or oem are fake. They are genetics and the sellers on eBay or amazon lie. This doesn’t mean it won’t work. Did you disconnect the battery prior to repair? You ALWAYS want to disconnect it first. If not,when you connect a screen,it can short high voltage lines to low voltage lines if you connect it at a slight angle…the pins may go on cockeyed at first,for a split second shorting voltage. This can cause a quick surge(like a punch to the face) of electricity to damage components. Have you taken it back apart? Did the old screen still work with Touch? If so,you should try it to rule out. If it stopped working at all after being cracked,the first thing to do is try a new screen…that is,as long as you have taken it back apart and disconnected and reconnected the screen to make sure it wasn’t a bad or loose connection.
더 읽어보기Have you closed it back again(for a second try?)? I know for sure that ic chips can be defective in replacement screens. It’s weird that it works fine while open but not when closed. You didn’t mix up any screws at all right? Have you completely disconnected and reconnected the screen(after disconnecting the battery first)? Any visible damage on the flex cables?
더 읽어보기https://www.laptopscreen.com/English/mod... this is is a good website. I’ve also ordered one for my moms laptop. It works great. The quality seems to be about the same as the original.
더 읽어보기Tristar maybe… Have you tested for shorts on the charging port pins? If not,do this. For the battery to drain like that,there must be excessive current flow. There must be some kind of short in that case for the battery to just drain when the port is connected. How many amps is it drawing? Does the battery work fine without the lightning connector attached? Did you use a known good charging dock? This means you know for sure it is good and works. Not that you assume it does,especially if it’s generic.
더 읽어보기Did you reuse the old home button? The new digitizer May have a slightly uneven or differently sized hole or button. It could have uneven pressure on it.
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