Now my iPhone is finally repaired! :D This was a hardware issue, it was the input where you put the usb cable into that was broken. But he replaced it. Anyway,thanks for all help you guys have given me;)
You are seriously kind man! All that helping:D But still, it does'nt work. I have tried the official Apple solution many times, but it just don't want to be connected or recognized. I have tried to use a q-tip, other cables, all of the usb's and now I am sitting on a desktop computer and won't be detected. I connected my sister's Iphone to this comnputer and the pc detected it quickly (she got the 1'st generation iphone). When i connected my sister's iPhone it appeared in My computer >> Device manager >> Portable devices >> Apple iPhone. Mine does'nt. I want my iPhone back </3 Again: thanks for all youre time and help:D