Great guide! Upon reassembling, I noticed that the center of the propeller touches the front grill where it says Holmes. Anyone know if they rub on each other by design?
Thanks for the prompt response, really appreciate it. I’ll get rid of the electrical tape on the loudspeaker patch and let the midframe do its thing.
Regarding the guide: I watched several Pixel XL disassembly videos on youtube, and believe that despite copious amounts of glue, the top and bottom should be propped up first, followed by a gentle prying of the sides. The initial entry on the side is what caused me to crack my screen. In any case thanks again for the guide, it was helpful nonetheless.
Add me to the list of people who cracked their screen trying to open up the device :-(
In other news: The antenna patch connecting the daughterboard to the replacement loudspeaker isn’t adhering properly. I tried taping it down with electrical tape but it won’t stick. What are my options here? Will superglue work? Does the midframe hold down the patch or is it fully dependent on the adhesive?