Slamming the mouse down on a hard surface worked for me. The problem originated after leaving the mouse hooked up to USB for charging overnight while computer was shut down. After booting up in the morning mouse no longer “connected” and would not connect until physicality applied i.e. slamming it down on a hard surface; however, this did nothing to make it work on my mouse pad… only hours later after having read about someone, Rey J, slamming it down again, then it worked. Mind you I had tried all other ways through bluetooth connecting beforehand. It looks like Apple products need to be given a $@$* kicking now that Tim Cook is CEO! In order to avoid this 'slamming down' situation, and since I have two of them, as soon as I notice that my admin mouse's charge is near depleted, I will recharge it while using the other mouse. I now avoid recharging when the computer is shut down.