I had to switch the 2mm thermal pads for 1mm ones on all chips. Using 2mm ones caused the GPU to overheat, likely because they are too thick and might create a gap between heatsink and GPU. Try to check the thickness of the stock thermal pads and observe the amount of force needed to screw the heatsink back on. Using 2mm thermal pads, I had a bit of trouble getting two screws back in. Using 1mm everywhere made it comparable to when I unscrewed it the first time with the stock thermal pads.
I followed this guide and my GPU temperatures shot up dramatically. Opening the laptop back up, I noticed very visible indentations in the thicker (in my case 2mm) thermal pads. That and the fact that screwing the heatsink back on was noticeably harder after putting in the 2mm heat pads leads me to believe that they are in fact too thick, possibly creating a gap or at least insufficient contact between the heatsink and GPU. I replaced the 2mm ones with 1mm, thus using the same thickness on all components, and I’m back to normal temperatures.
TL;DR: be careful with the thicker (2-2.5mm) thermal pads, they made my GPU overheat. Using 1mm ones on all components worked perfectly. Try checking the stock thermal pads’ thickness