I used to have quite a headache when I had to get rid of bike grease stains from my clothes every time I serviced my bike. I have read several tutorials for removing grease from clothes. It has solved all my problems. This process includes: using dishwashing liquid, using laundry detergent, baking soda, or stain remover. For dishwashing liquid, you should put a small amount of solution on the yellowed clothes and then brush them clean, then rinse with cold water. As for washing powder, it is the opposite. It is advisable to pre-treat the fabric and then add detergent to wash it.
Poor chain condition is one of the most common causes of a bike chain slipping when pedaling hard. An old chain has stretched out from use leading to its dropping and you will need to be replaced a new one.
You should notice the tension spoke when tightening your bike spoke because it will affect the wheel’s stability. Tighten clockwise and turning the wrench in small increments of about a quarter turn will allow you to avoid tightening too much.