Hello to all the people, like me, who found this thread looking for a solution for their Acer computer randomly freezing. I have an Acer Desktop and for the first few weeks, there were no issues. Everything was running fine when suddenly it started freezing and random times. It was difficult to pinpoint what the actual issue could be due to the randomness. There were multiple solutions online and none of them worked for me until I had the idea that it must be something set to run at certain times that is causing this. The next time the freeze happened I went to Task Scheduler when I restarted the computer to see what had run in the minutes leading up to the freeze and I did this every time for one day to really pinpoint it. I discovered that several ‘‘nv’’ tasks were running in the lead up to the freeze every time. I checked each one of their details and yes they were all set to run and random times throughout the day possibly overloading the system, I don’t know, but I set them all to run at the logon of...