Ours is a Sony Bravia that is now over 10 years old. Several months ago we started noticing lines, especially on the left (our left) side of the screen. They’d go away after the tv warmed up. Then we started noticing it was darker on that side of the screen, but again, after the tv warmed up the screen would be normal. Then about two months ago it started getting worse and didn’t ever get completely better, even after the tv warmed up. So I watched some youtube videos that all talked about the ribbon cables becoming loose over time and to apply pressure along the top and see if that made it better, and if so, it was a loose cable and if you put electrical tape or something that would help keep the pressure, it would fix the problem. Hubby pressed along the top and sure enough, when he pressed in one spot on the left side suddenly the picture cleared up. Stayed good for about a week, then problems again, pressed again, fixed again. A week or so later, same problem, but this time when he pressed on it...