This is a laborious, time-consuming repair, but this AWESOME guide makes it doable for the average DIY dude. Thanks so much for putting it together Jeff! Two suggestions: - You mention making sure to not put the logic board on top of any cables or connectors when re-assembling. That is extremely good advice. I went through the guide and thought I had enumerated all the connectors, but somehow I missed the keyboard connector which added 30+ minutes to my repair. Perhaps enumerating the cables and connectors would help. - The blue and green T8 screws in Step 46 are quite different. The green screw actually contains a female-threaded threads for another screw inside its top to receive the 2.4mm T3 screw from Step 29!! This wasn't too difficult to discover but I was surprised that it wasn't mentioned, since it's the first time I've ever encountered this setup.