I have the same problem with my Zune 1126 (80 gig). I took it apart and replaced the battery with a new one as the old one was all corroded, but I still had the faded battery symbol with a lightening bolt through it. I then changed the zif cable with a new one and the same problem still exists. I tried 2 different charging cables along with different usb chargers just to make sure it wasn't a bad cable or charger. Also, I have a 120 gig that I put a new battery in as that one had a corroded battery as well and I get the same faded battery symbol with the lightening bolt. All I can surmise is that the battery corrosion has caused a malfunction of the microchip or other electronic components so I will just take them to Best Buy Geek squad for an estimate on repair. According the search for "Zune repair near me" apparently the Geek Squad at Best Buy still repairs them. I'm going to go talk to a tech there and see if they can fix it for under $150, otherwise it's just better to buy one off of Ebay that is...