"I tried every port ... the 2 front ports on the Power Station" I've used my 13" FrameWork, no problem. How are you connecting the laptop to the powerhub? Cable to laptop would go in the back port on the FixHub, like you'd be charging it. Not in the front where the irons go. Besides the Web Console, you can use your terminal to get in via a serial console, but haven't seen many docs on the commands it offers. One such is toolinfo <port> with <port> being zero for the left front USB, 1 for the right. That command shows info on the iron. I haven't yet found a command to show info on the FixHub itself. You didn't mention your OS, but on *nix, to find the device to which you want to connect, use something like: sudo dmesg | egrep -i --color 'serial|tty' This will query the kernel logs for any entry containing 'serial' or 'tty'. You'll be looking for something in /dev Once you know the device, use 'cu' to connect to a serial session: cu -l /dev/<DEVICE> In my case it was /dev/ttyACM0. (I was connecting it with...