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현재 버전 작성자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas
Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.
Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.
A quick search online shows that it is not cheap
=== Update (09/23/23) ===
I looked for an Asus Z500M battery and found this [link|https://rounded.com/asus-zenpad-3s-10-z500m-battery-az500m-5900mah-0b200-02110000.html?sl=en|supplier].
Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the battery model number i.e. C12P1601 and the Asus part number for the battery.
Then I searched for the battery model number
(click on image)
Alternatively you can also search for the Asus part number [link|https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
-The same battery can be used in different devices. It happens frequently with different devices made by the same manufacturer
+The same battery can be used in different devices/models. It happens frequently with devices/models made by the same manufacturer



편집자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas
Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.
Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.
A quick search online shows that it is not cheap
=== Update (09/23/23) ===
I looked for an Asus Z500M battery and found this [link|https://rounded.com/asus-zenpad-3s-10-z500m-battery-az500m-5900mah-0b200-02110000.html?sl=en|supplier].
Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the battery model number i.e. C12P1601 and the Asus part number for the battery.
Then I searched for the battery model number
(click on image)
-Alternatively search for the Asus part number [link|https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
+Alternatively you can also search for the Asus part number [link|https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
The same battery can be used in different devices. It happens frequently with different devices made by the same manufacturer



편집자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas
Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.
Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.
A quick search online shows that it is not cheap
=== Update (09/23/23) ===
I looked for an Asus Z500M battery and found this [link|https://rounded.com/asus-zenpad-3s-10-z500m-battery-az500m-5900mah-0b200-02110000.html?sl=en|supplier].
-Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the battery model number i.e. C12P1601.
+Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the battery model number i.e. C12P1601 and the Asus part number for the battery.
Then I searched for the battery model number
(click on image)
Alternatively search for the Asus part number [link|https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
The same battery can be used in different devices. It happens frequently with different devices made by the same manufacturer



편집자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas
Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.
Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.
A quick search online shows that it is not cheap
=== Update (09/23/23) ===
I looked for an Asus Z500M battery and found this [link|https://rounded.com/asus-zenpad-3s-10-z500m-battery-az500m-5900mah-0b200-02110000.html?sl=en|supplier].
Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the battery model number i.e. C12P1601.
Then I searched for the battery model number
(click on image)
Alternatively search for the Asus part number [link|https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
-The same battery can be used in different devices. It happens frequently with different devices made by the same manufacturer.
+The same battery can be used in different devices. It happens frequently with different devices made by the same manufacturer



편집자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas
Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.
Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.
A quick search online shows that it is not cheap
=== Update (09/23/23) ===
I looked for an Asus Z500M battery and found this [link|https://rounded.com/asus-zenpad-3s-10-z500m-battery-az500m-5900mah-0b200-02110000.html?sl=en|supplier].
Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the battery model number i.e. C12P1601.
Then I searched for the battery model number
(click on image)
Alternatively search for the Asus part number [link|https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
-The same battery can be used in different devices, but batteries having different specifications will never have the same battery model number. It would be too confusing
+The same battery can be used in different devices. It happens frequently with different devices made by the same manufacturer.



편집자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas
Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.
Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.
A quick search online shows that it is not cheap
=== Update (09/23/23) ===
I looked for an Asus Z500M battery and found this [link|https://rounded.com/asus-zenpad-3s-10-z500m-battery-az500m-5900mah-0b200-02110000.html?sl=en|supplier].
Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the battery model number i.e. C12P1601.
Then I searched for the battery model number
(click on image)
Alternatively search for the Asus part number [link|https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
-The same battery can be used in different devices, but no different batteries will ever have the same model number. It would be too confusing
+The same battery can be used in different devices, but batteries having different specifications will never have the same battery model number. It would be too confusing



편집자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas
Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.
Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.
A quick search online shows that it is not cheap
=== Update (09/23/23) ===
I looked for an Asus Z500M battery and found this [link|https://rounded.com/asus-zenpad-3s-10-z500m-battery-az500m-5900mah-0b200-02110000.html?sl=en|supplier].
Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the battery model number i.e. C12P1601.
Then I searched for the battery model number
-[image|3079524] (click on image)
-Alternatively search for the Asus part number [https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
+(click on image)
-The same battery can be used in different devices, but no two batteries will ever have the same model number. It would be too confusing
+Alternatively search for the Asus part number [link|https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
+The same battery can be used in different devices, but no different batteries will ever have the same model number. It would be too confusing



편집자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas
Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.
Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.
A quick search online shows that it is not cheap
=== Update (09/23/23) ===
I looked for an Asus Z500M battery and found this [link|https://rounded.com/asus-zenpad-3s-10-z500m-battery-az500m-5900mah-0b200-02110000.html?sl=en|supplier].
-Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the model number i.e. C12P1601.
+Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the battery model number i.e. C12P1601.
-Then I searched for the model number
+Then I searched for the battery model number
+[image|3079524] (click on image)
-(click on image)
+Alternatively search for the Asus part number [https://www.google.com/search?q=0b200-02110000&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=567933587&ei=wbcPZeLCGdrYseMPmZOWqAo&ved=0ahUKEwiip4ytscKBAxVabGwGHZmJBaUQ4dUDCA8&oq=0b200-02110000&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDjBiMjAwLTAyMTEwMDAwSJYcUOYHWOYHcAF4AJABAJgBlAKgAZQCqgEDMi0xuAEMyAEA-AEBwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp|0B200-02110000] (examples only)
+The same battery can be used in different devices, but no two batteries will ever have the same model number. It would be too confusing



편집자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas
Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.
Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.
A quick search online shows that it is not cheap
+=== Update (09/23/23) ===
+I looked for an Asus Z500M battery and found this [link|https://rounded.com/asus-zenpad-3s-10-z500m-battery-az500m-5900mah-0b200-02110000.html?sl=en|supplier].
+Then I clicked on the image of the battery in the link to enlarge it and on the battery you can see the model number i.e. C12P1601.
+Then I searched for the model number
+(click on image)



원본 게시물 작성자: jayeff


Hi @martintomas

Search online for ''C12P1601 battery'' for suppliers of the battery that suit you best.

Usually the battery model number is printed on the battery if you wish to verify that it is the correct one.

A quick search online shows that it is not cheap

