MacBook Pro 15 inch Late 2013 suddenly turns off
A friend's MacBook Pro 15 inch Late 2013 randomly shuts down itself. I tried reinstalling the system after I found out that the error does not occur in recovery mode. But this did not solve the problem. The problem is also not reproducable by any interaction.
There is no difference whether it is connected to the power supply or running on the battery. If you leave the MacBook powered off for some hours it may sometimes last over two hours before shuting down again. After the frist sudden shutdown the frequency of shutdown rises rapidly.
Also the shutdown might not be triggered by overheating. I tried benchmarking while watching temps after the reinstall of the OS and it lasted over two hours. 5-10 minutes after I stopped and the tempreture dropped the problem occured again.
My friend also sent the MacBook to Apple for a hardware test several times, but no problems were found yet.
I'm thinking about replacing the logic board.
Any opinion would be apprechiated.
EDIT 01/03/2017
I have not noticed anything while booting and there have not been any video problems apart from the blackscreen when the sudden shutdown occurs. (I have found this: Exchange and Repair Extension Programs - MacBook Pro video issues But, it does not match my friend's MacBook.)
The built-in hardware diagnostic tool stats that everything is correct. Maybe I should start the MacBook in verbos mode and videotape the output?
My friend will take the MacBook to an authorized service providor to have it taken apart, cleaned and the stained display replaced Apple StainGate Maybe they will find something...
좋은 질문입니까?
댓글 10개
Have you ever seen any screen anomalies, any artifacts, beach balls when loading, a pause when booting up with the progress bar ranking about 50-60% of the way through?
mayer 의
I am having almost the same issue. The genius bar did not solve the problem.
I changed the battery, it did not change anything... but Logic boards are really expensive..
Do you have some problem identified when you press D at startup to enter diagnostic mode?
alansaillet 의
Same exact issue here!!! Any fix?
fygvhjfgdsbj 의
same problem here...
Rogier Visser 의
I seem to have the same thing: screen goes black, keyboard remains illuminated for a few seconds, then shuts down completely. No errors in the console when I restart. Apple Hardware Test says everything is fine. I've been using smcFanControl to monitor temperature and it's been shutting down at temperatures in the 40s centigrade.
fodriscoll 의
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