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The PSP 3000 was released in the U.S. on the 15th of October 2008.

20 질문 전체 보기

PSP turns on with green light but screen doesn't light up

I didn't start my PSP up for a very long while (at least a year or two) and when I tried to power it on, the battery was (quite obviously) dead and I had to borrow it from my friend because my charger is missing, but when I tried to start it up, what I stated in the question title happened and the battery is most likely to be fine as my friend's PSP could start properly with this battery.

Thank you for answering.

Mise à jour (24/08/2017)

Case closed, the screen might be a cause, but I think the real culprit is most likely defects of motherboard. I probably didn't store the PSP properly and the the motherboard probably got a bit oxidized at somewhere that we don't want it to happen. Anyway I'm off for a second hand one and put my old friend on a display shelve.

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or maybe your battery is a fake one off ebay?

It could be that your psp is bricked. Try holding the home button and turn on your psp. I had this same problem with mine as well.

Hello! I have almost the same Problem with the screen. When I start the PSP the green light is on and but It still black screen. By the way I can see the sound when i press the buttons but nothing's more..The screen is replaced with new one, but still black... HELP!!! :)

hi, I have a psp also and I have not even played it in a year and the green light would not flash nor charge and it even has a new battery do u know wtd.

psp 3000 when i start it it show booting animation and then shiow white screen where in see battery

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선택된 해법


This is a common issue with PSPs, their memory chips get corrupted if not used too long. There are thankfully quite a few solutions online. You can try them in any order, but if none work you may need to replace the board.

  • Try rebooting without the memory card in
  • Try removing battery for ten seconds. Then put it back in, plug in the charger, turn the unit on while holding the two shoulder buttons. If something comes up, choose the Recovery folder.
  • Plug it in. When powering it on hold the power button up until something happens.

Also, there could be a problem with the backlight of the display. Can you hear any sounds at all if you press buttons while the screen is black? Or if you shine a bright light on the blank screen, can you see the menu? Then you will have to replace the display.

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댓글 13개:

Thanks for the reply! I knew that this possibly happened on my PSP but I don't have concrete evidence about it. Anyway, I'll try again as soon as the new battery and charger arrives (bloody slow delivery D:).

Now that I have the new battery and charger I finally can figure out that the screen is the problem because of how I can actually hear something when I press buttons. I checked the ribbon cable and even reconnected all of them (that links to the screen and the lower homebar) but nothing new has happened so far.

I've also noticed that apart from the screen issue, the PSP makes a pop sound and switches off after it's on for a fairly short while. I don't know if this is related to the memory stick or not but I'm gonna state the issue anyway, but it was not detected by a working PSP of my friend and the PSP can't get to the home menu without having the stick inserted. Do you have any idea about why those things happen?

I edited my comment several times and it just magically disappeared, so I'll just type it again:

It's the screen that is causing all these troubles, but it still isn't working after I re-plug the ribbon cables in so I'll probably just get a new one, but before I do so I discovered a new problem: when I switch the PSP on for a fairly short while (like roughly a couple minutes), the PSP would make a pop sound and light up the wifi indicator light at the same time and switch itself off. Any ideas why this happens?

Oh, so it pops then turns off... does not sound good... might be some serious board issue here (like a short somewhere)... I would tear it apart completely, remove the board, clean it up a bit where it seems dusty with some rubbing alcohol and put everything back together. If nothing changes I would just replace the board entirely, not the screen at this point.

Thanks for the reply. Because of how the process of getting a motherboard of PSP at where I live is too complicated, I have decided to go for a second hand PSP and replace it's shell.

댓글 8개 더보기

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Interesting, I have the same one, but after charging everything was OK

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لم اكن استخدمه منذ فتره ، وعند الاستخذام كان يعمل بصوره سليمه ولكن wlan لم يعمل ف حاولت اعادة الضبط والشاشه لم تقم باي رد فعل بعد التاكيد ، ومن وقتها ال psp لا يعرض اي شئ الشاشه منيره ولكنها سوداء

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My psp won't turn on but has green light on. Left it alone for a few days come back to it it turned on just fine

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댓글 4개:

Blunder 45

My psp-1001B

I've been away for some time.

13yrs and coming back and really wanted to play my psp Unfortunately I can't do anything with it. I know when I got back the battery was swollen. And I pulled that out. And ordered a new one from Amazon. With a New charger.

None of these worked. All I get is a

Black screen and a orange light and green light. No sound!

I tried all the methods from YouTube and I could never get anything done meaning nothing works if anybody's have any ideas how to reset them or how to work on them that would be greatly appreciated thanks.

when i try turning on my psp it just shows the green light but shows black screen with no sound and after a few seconds the green light goes off but charges fine

Please help me i wasn't use my psp for a while and when i turn it was fine but the wlan refused to turn on so i tried to restore defult setting the psp is just give me nothing i tried to turn it off but it refused so i make the battery out and tried to open it again the screen just open but its black dont give me any thing

Its openes after i out the memory , but the wlan still refuse to open what can i do?

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how can my psp 2003 stop switching off when ever I unplug it

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help me pls my psp 2000 not turning on but the green light is on and L+HOME is not working

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댓글 2개:

Hello for everyone with a psp problem. Im a bit late but I might have a solution. If you turn IT on but no picture or Sound just the LED try pushing the dpad hard, like you hear the plastic cracking hard, if IT turns on then its an easy fix. Obviously you can just push the dpad when ever you want to turn IT on, but there is a permanent fix. If you open up the PSP and take off the screen you shuld be able to see a screw on the bottom left, IT holds in the dpad with some plastic. You either need to tighten that screw, but If you can't you can just get out the screw take off the dpad with the plastic put the screw back, so the dpad plastick isnt screwd in and put the whole thing back together. IT should be working, IT worked for meg ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Funny enough, pressing hard on the D-pads does the opposite of you and just shuts off the green LED right away. Even tightening the rop-right back screw (behind the D-pads) leads to the PSP instantly shutting off as soon as I turn it on (The green LED just flashes for a half a second.).

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The user giving the solution doesn't know whaf they're on about

9 times out of 10 its a battery issue, sometimes you can coax the system to boot by doing a hard shutdown then turn it back on again

Otherwise get a new battery, your battery is failing, dont believe me, you can actually turn on the psp WITHTOUT a battery, just plug in a AC adapter, if it turns on the battery was the issue

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댓글 1개:

I know it seems like a weird workaround, but sometimes you need to fiddle with it in order to get the unit recognizing the battery.

My PSP for example won't take any batteries, it doesn't matter if it is OEM or not (also these batteries work fine in other PSPs), it will power on with the cord, but it has busted some internal battery or something related... In a nutshell it is not a battery issue for my case.

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