latest version failed. "getting package info failed"

Hope someone can help me.

I received notification on my Mate9 that an update was available.

I selected the latest update, and now my phone will not start.

It is in a continuous loop of "Download latest version and recovery" and "getting package info failed"

Please can someone help as I am working overseas and this phone is how I communicate with the outside world.

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u got solution ?im stuck at same place, wondering if this is bcz of being out of country , not sure

Hi, My Mate 9 also have this problem. it stucked at EMUI erecovery, asking for download and recovery but not able to update. keep showing package fail. even i cant wipe data or factory reset. send to authorized service centre, they say is main board issue which im not sure how true is that.

No its not true. I don't think it is the hardware or main board related problem.

What i feel is that, It's the country or region specific android update which is not allowed in the country where the phone is being used.

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