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2015년 9월 25일 출시. Model A1687/A1634. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 6, 64, 또는 128GB / 은색, 금색, 스페이스 그레이 및 로즈 골드로 제공하였습니다.

1041 질문 전체 보기

I replaced my battery and now my phone is stuck on a boot loop

I replaced my iPhone battery with parts bought of Ifixit and as soon as I plugged my battery in my phone was constantly stuck in a boot loop. I restored the phone completely from iTunes and the phone is still in a boot loop and now it has a load bar at the bottom. Once it loads the phone reboots again.

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Did you restore phone from DFU mode? Not logo of cable asking for itunes but screen black.

Yeah I tried to and once I did it was still stuck in the boot loop except there was a load bar at the below the a logo.

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Went to sell the phone and the owner of the shop figured out that for some reason the ft camera/speaker was causing the boot loop. It was original part from apple. Any reason why

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if the device was doing a system diagnostic, and the part was failing, the device could easily be kicked into a bootloop. a bootloop is apples protective protocal if it notices any failures. likely there was a physical corruption in it that caused the apple software to disallow booting to prevent any further damage.

I already tried cleaning out the speaker it isn't working

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It is possible that the battery is causing this issue but it's not a typical problem. You could try to put the old battery back to see if that helps or not.

However, I'm more concerned about possible collateral damage that may have happened during the repair. Take a look at this guide and retrace your steps to insure you did everything properly. Of particular concern is Step 16. You have to insure that the proper screws are place in the proper holes, otherwise you can damage the logic board. It's also important not to over tighten them.

You should also closely inspect the flexes and connectors to see if they are damaged.

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the boot loop started as soon as I plugged the battery in. All the screws are in the right place

Have you tried the old battery?

I can’t the old battery was degraded to the point that it wouldn’t be on unless it was plugged in. I have an old iPhone 6 I could use parts out of. My battery issues started up not long after my iPhone screen was replaced by a OEM screen at a shop. I was told it was original but I fear that it’s possibly I well made 3rd party part that was over drawing power.

Sounds like a defective battery, I would contact iFixit for a replacement.

Especially if Apple logo goes off immediately from unplugging charging cable.

that’s the old Apple battery

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I forgot which screws go where so what should i do

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