LG V20 Black Screen
Woke up this morning and started using my phone, noticed that the screen became unresponsive for a few seconds at a time and then I saw some gray horizontal lines.
Did a battery pull and restarted the phone, however, the screen is completely black and I can still hear the boot sound.
Got past the pin screen and think the phone has fully booted, fingerprint scanner works, I can touch the navigation keys and get feedback and I am still getting notifications.
However, the main screen is still blank and the second screen shows the time surrounded by static surrounded. I have attached a photo.
2nd Screen with partly working
It is the 990ds variant.
Has anyone ever faced this issue? Could it be the display itself and maybe a replacement LCD will fix the issuse?
좋은 질문입니까?
댓글 3개
Same with me today bro… I've sent a message to LG in Europe. Ive got the Feeling that Euopean law leads to better Service by the manufacturers…. I'll Reply when they have answered me.
anil-basaran 의
I talked to LG they want me to replace Motherboard and the LCD which cost nearly like a brand new LG V20. I personally believe it's just a corrupted apps.
Gilbert Lucas 의
Any update on this issue? My V20 developed the same exact thing today.
Ben Clepper 의