Can a soldering noob replace capacitor C9560?
Hi, my father's MBP mid 2010 have the classical GPU Kernel Panic, it frustrated me that the motherboard replacement was so expensive that now he's thinking about throwing out the machine, so I decide to learn how to microsolder and replace the C9560 capacitor (which is more likely to be the problem)
I have no experience soldering, but I feel confortable around motherboard and any hardware in general (I build PC's, dissasemble and clean lots of laptops and modded a Mac G5 case). I've watched hundreds of Louis Rossman's videos, so I really want to do this. I'll be buying the equipment for this, also because I love the idea of this ability of fixing motherboards and mainly because it looks like a fun new hobby.
¿Do I need months of practice to to the repair or if I use good equipment and carefully follow the videos I might get the job done?
Here's the list of the equipment I'll be buying, remember that for now it'll only be used for this repair, so it will be cheap:
Solder Wire:
Solder Wick remover ( not shure if I need this):
Heat Gun:
Soldering iron:
Digital Microscope:
(I didn't wanted those heat gun + soldering iron combo stations, the idea of one box dissipating both tools heat doesn't sound very reliable)
Thanks for your time and sorry for my english!
Update (06/11/2018)
Forgot to add, the motherboard is 820-2565-A, does anyone have the schematic?
좋은 질문입니까?
댓글 16개
Hello. Do you fix your problem? Were did you buy the capacitor and what do you buy. Thanks
Luis 의
Hi! yes I fixed it, however, don't buy the Hot Air station I bought, is hopeless when dealing with these multilayer PCBs, maybe you could try with hot tweezers from Aliexpress (they work connected to the soldering station, just as an iron), though, I have not tested this yet . Still, first use the Apple troubleshooter to confirm the problem is a graphics thing.
To get the capacitor, (in case the exact model is not available anymore) I search by specs in Mouser ( )
Then checked the spec sheet to confirm the measures, and then I look for the exact model in eBay, the price per unit will be much higher than Mouser, but you'll be able to buy low quantities on eBay.
Good luck!
Andres Teare 의
i have the same mac and board.and it give me the kernel panic error after i use nvidia graphics too much or for a long time. it´s more on summer because of the heat.
i want saw the rossmann video the last one with the 3 (1 + and 2 -) and no need to scrape the board.
but i try to find on the internet to buy but i don´t now the best or if it is the "one" to buy.
i saw this 2
can you help or a better one. thanks
Luis 의
I'm buying this:
Andrea 의
I've this error: GPUPanic.cpp:170
Is the same for you?
Andrea 의
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