Charger port is loose

I have tried multiple chargers and all won’t plug in and fall out. I haven’t found anything similar on Google or YouTube. Rly sad :’(

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Read some of the disassembly or see youtube of other laptops. Then get a good screw driver kit (may be from ifixit) - make proper photos and documentations

1. Unscrew all

2. Look at the charging port.

3. Depending on the country you need to search to get the proper 'female' plug for the charger. Which country are you in?

Post photos here.

4. Usually it needs some soldering

I have done it as a novice - not that difficult.

You can always ask help from your local city people from

I live in the United Kingdom @veronique2020

Don’t think I’ll be able to solder unfortunately @veronique2020

check in

First post some pics here of both charger and the laptop side. Then you can search in rs webiste.

For example:

You need to slowly look inside rs webisite for this...

@tyroos Which city? join the repaircafe (very active in UK) - people are helpful!!!

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