SONY TV BAL board Throubleshooting

Hi All,

I hope you can help me.

I have a Sony 46HX800 with 4 blinking red lights with no backlight, no image , as per the manual it says I need to check PANEL_FAIL at JL2565 (it is weird thast that connector does not have any cable connected so I assume the PANEL_FAIL signal comes from the LVDS cable). I am getting 3.3v for 2 seconds and then it shutsdown.

The only way I can bypass the 4 lights is if I disconnect the cable between the TCON board and LD board. I have changed the LD board but still the same issue. So I think it is an issue with the BAL board. If someone can give me how can I troubleshoot the BAL board, I would appreciate.

This is the BAL board

Also I have checked the PIN 77 (BL_ON) in the MIMAS chip and there is no voltage and PIN 78 (PANEL_VSYNC) gives 3.2 v for 2 seconds and then 1.6v for one second before the shutdown with 4 red lights.

Block Image

Thank you all

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