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2.26 또는 2.4 GHz / 흰색 플라스틱 유니바디 인클로저

645 질문 전체 보기

CPU got hot after applying new thermal paste


This past Sunday, I recently applied new thermal paste (Arctic Silver 5) onto my CPU as the former CPU thermal paste was very dry.

After I applied it the CPU temperatures seem to still be hot at idle 50-60 degrees Celsius.

Is it normal for the temperature to be high after applying new thermal paste and then the thermal paste will start working or is there something wrong with the heat sink?

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I suspect you either put on too much paste (a common fault) or too little.

Also did you clean off all the old paste? I use isopropyl alcohol 99.8% pure to clean.

Remember what you are doing is filling in microscopic pits in the bottom of the heat sink and the top of the CPU. If any squishes out the side as you reinstall the heat sink you have used way too much!

So redo it and see how it goes.

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가장 유용한 답변

Check for a greasy type of residue under the crimped end of the heat sink. If you find it, replace the heat sink as it has probably leaked.

MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Heat Sink Replacement

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Checked it. No oily substance

I also noticed when browsing on the internet on safari or watching YouTube videos, the CPU load is 80-100% which makes the CPU temps 40-60 Celsius. Sometimes it causes a battery drain in my MacBook which can go from 100% to 90% in 30 minutes.

@Krishay P

Have you scanned for malware? Could be some one is hitching a ride on your system?

Scanned for malware and unnecessary files with Malwarebytes. No malware. I checked Activity monitor and it says the task that is the most intensive is kernal_task.

Replaced thermal paste. Still idling at 50-60 degrees Celsius and 100% load

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Before applying thermal paste you should see how it was done perfectly so you don’t have to bother after applying it.

Here is a youtube video for you


Also, you should test a performance verification test of your computer from a reliable infotech company

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I replaced the thermal paste for a third time. Still running at temperatures between 50-60 at high load (50% or greater). Could it be a problem with the heat sink or the logic board itself or it has an ssd?

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