It seems like it is running in a test mode for tracking the digitizer. Turn off your tablet and then turn it on holding the power button and the volume up button. This should open the boot menu and give you the options of loading the tablet in "Recovery," "Fastboot," and "Normal." The Recovery menu allows data backups and factory swipes. A factory reset may fix it, but it will also erase everything on your tablet. If you have a data backup, that may be another option to try and fix the problem. Fastbook allows you to access the internal memory via and flash new image files via PC. Reflashing your image will reset the tablet to factory, as well, but it will allow you to use custom firmwares. Normal is the normal load. Not much hiding in the name. Maybe you just need to select this option to get it up and running. Try the different options and post your results. I want to know what happens!
A possible reason your tablet does not turn on could be because the battery is not connected. I ordered one from Amazon and it wouldn't power up. I decided to pull the back panel off and saw that the battery inside was disconnected. Connected the battery and it has been working great since.
In regards to the digitizer not working. I had this problem earlier today. When I removed the back cover, the cable was disconnected. The cable for the digitizer is on the left and has two connectors that plug in. The cables do have a locking socket (there is a white-ish tab that has to be lifted before inserting or removing the cable).
As this is my first teardown, I would appreciate any and all help with what I should/could add. If there are more pictures you would like me to post, let me know. I need to pull it apart again when the new digitizer gets here.