nabi Jr Factory Reset (1) Turn off your nabi Jr. (1) Press and hold the Volume + button and the Power button until the system menu appears on the upper left corner of the screen. (1) Use the Volume - button to select “Android Recovery Mode.” (1) From the Android screen, press and hold the Volume - button then tap the Volume + button (1) Use the Volume - button to highlight “Wipe Data/Factory Reset.” Then, press the Power button to select that. (1) Use the Volume - button again to highlight “Yes - Delete All User Data” and press the Power button to select that. (1) When the data wipe is complete (about 20 minutes), reboot system now will be highlighted. Press the Power button to select that to reboot your nabi. (1) It will take about five minutes to reboot your nabi Jr. Once the initialization is complete, your consumer will see the Welcome screen.
Sounds like a failed GPU. First think id do is test it on a separate monitor using the display port. If it shows a picture, then I’d start troubleshooting the display connectors and cable. Did it display any odd behavior before it shut down?