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Water may have short circuted your battery, or and charging port connections. you can remove the under panel of the laptop, very careful.. Ifixit has a range of tools to help. It’s a very tedious Job and it’ll take some help. Here is a video on opening the laptop and disassembling. I’m not sure if it’s the same one, But they use actual suction hot plates and machines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0ZetBuz... . You may unfortunately have to replace the battery, but see if there are any connections fried or come lose from the charging port to the battery. Hopefully you can get it, please update me. I’d like to hear how it goes! Goodluck my friend!
더 읽어보기Due to your Laptop being as old as it is, It most likely built up a lot of Dust, Open it up an clean all the connectors. I-Fixit Has great tools for this Job! https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Tools Good luck and I hope it goes well!
더 읽어보기Hey Alain, Unfortunately you can not uninstall Google play that easy, but luckily their isn't a need for that! Google play may stop working due to; Not enough memory on your device, Your Date and time may be inaccurate. I suggest checking both of these things, Another thing you can try doing is opening up your settings, applications, Application's Manager, Find Google Play. Their should be a 'delete cache' button. This deletes any miscellaneous properties and will not cause any harm. Once doing so go ahead and restart your phone and try it. Hope this helps :) Update (11/15/2017): If that doesn't work, their is a clear data button, this removes your account info etc off Google play, But can be re-instated back on once you open up Google play again. Now their is also a uninstall updates button, this restores the application back to its default factory settings. You could do this and go into the old version of Google and it should update itself. Hope it helps!
더 읽어보기I had this problem with that exact laptop, I had taken it apart to inpspect for any problems, for me it just wouldn't turn on due to the battery, So a good step is to check the battery is still working, and same with the charger. But the Answer to your question... Yes the Button can be replaced, their are a couple parts too the power on button though. Hopefully the only problem is the actually button cover, the circular plastic you push on the outside, Otherwise you can also replace the rubber along with the button. Hopefully you won't have to replace the motherboard, your best bet if all else fails is to get a new pc. :/ But if you are able too, take the laptop apart, having access to the power button, try switching it on the motherboard itself with the front cover off, I do warn you though that this could damage the pc if treated incorrectly. If you need any help, just send a comment!
더 읽어보기Best thing to do is hard factory reset the device, you can download apps that remove virus but some don't always work. If you have important pictures on the device you can transfer them onto a computer with a cable, but considering your device may have a virus, make sure the computer your using had virus protection enabled. To reset, Their should be a small hole, pin size, located either on the side or the rear, maybe under the back case of the device. After a factory reset the device should be free of infestation of any kind. As for the cracked screen, prices vary, depending on who fixes it, could be somewhere from $75-250USD. All depending on how old the Tablet is too. Goodluck, if you need any help. @mayer is amazing and can assist you. :)
더 읽어보기I do believe you can... I'm not a genius but I hope this web bagel will help :) http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2943921/xbox-graphics-card-upgrade.html Goodluck :) Update (11/11/2017): My mistake clearly, I do apologize for that, You cannot upgrade the Gpu, if you're wanting better graphics, it pays to get the newer xbox's such as the Xbox one s as it sits for Gpu: AMD GCN GPU @ 914Mhz w/ 12 compute units compared to the AMD GCN GPU @ 853Mhz w/ 12 compute units. Which will play a small favor in looks Update (11/11/2017): It has close to the same computing power its just the Xbox One X is much more powerful than the Xbox One S in central processing. It runs on eight custom x86 cores, clocked at speeds of 2.3GHz. The Xbox One S also has eight cores but they are slower, running at 1.75GHz. Although The One X bosses things in RAM. There is 12GB of GDDR5 RAM with bandwidth of up to 326GB/s. The Xbox One S has 8GB of DDR3 RAM and 32MB of ESRAM, with bandwidth of 68GB/s and 219GB/s respectively.
더 읽어보기What an amazing question, their should be a YouTube video... Uhhhh A! Right here... https://youtube.com/watch?v=uPC9-U_gJCE Goodluck! :)
더 읽어보기Try giving your phone an update, If that doesn't work you may have to get them replaced but may cost a small fortune. Take it into a shop and see if they can figure the problem out if this doesn't help. Good luck :)
더 읽어보기You may want to try updating your laptop. Run Minecraft and open up the Task Manger, check what applications and processes are using your ram and cpu. You may need to Uninstall or stop some apps from running. Another alternative is to higher prioritize Minecraft, to do so... When Minecraft is running, open up Taskmanager, go to details, right click 'Java.exe' or might be 'Minecraft' but not 'Minecraft launcher', click priority, then click above or high. This will adjust the priority of cpu is dedicated to that process compared to other applications. Goodluck :) Another couple of things you could do is Check your laptop fan, Is it running? How much Dust is in their? Do I open my laptop to check it? Opening your laptop to remove dust is a great Idea. Using the IFixit Tool set will help a lot. Ensure the battery and any chargers are removed from the Device before doing so. And touch something metal with your tools to remove any static electricity they may have, Otherwise you may fry some components. You can...
더 읽어보기Ensure the Sim card is inserted correctly, ensure you have valid credit on the Sim card. If that doesn't work, the phone may be network locked, meaning only a certain Sim can operate in the device. If you still need help, try seeing one of that company's helplines. Goodluck :)
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