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Whenever I shop for RAM upgrades I find memory that fits Apple specs and memory that is for Apple. My question is - is...
더 읽어보기I have a 17" ALS 2.0Ghz PCB 661-3627. The power supply is dead. The guy I bought it from said it sparked once? printed on...
더 읽어보기My iMac had a checkerboard screen, AHT reported an error with the video ram. I replaced all the caps which changed...
더 읽어보기From pics on line the isight and 2.0Ghz core duo logic boards look identical. My iMac's video ram stopped working so I...
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check the RAM is seated - Mac will flash if no memory
더 읽어보기I can't seem to buy an adapter board, are they sold out and where is this eeprom chip on the panel?
더 읽어보기Did you ever find out why it way shutting off? I am having the same issues with my 17"
더 읽어보기Oh yeah, I've checked and re-checked. I got another board and everything is working OK now. It just annoys me that I had it fixed and then it died on me...
더 읽어보기I have done a few of these upgrades - what is different is the metal frame, the fan(M6497 has four blades), the heat sink, the modem card and the metal pan where the airport card sits. The modem card has a different hole pattern for the screws (which I never install now) and the pan can be easily bent on one corner to fit the new fan but all the parts are easily found on ebay for cheap. One thing that can't be changed is the reset button - located on the left side on the M6497's it is on the back on the A1005's. The pins are next to the fan on the new boards, if you want to have access to the reset button the best way is to extend the wires to the old position. Last thing I can think of, there are a few screws/holes that are different so don't drive yourself crazy if you have an extra screw or are short one.
더 읽어보기You changed two things and the computer works, but you can't say with certainty which one was causing the problem. There are a lot of people out there who don't have extra displays with inverters to fix their problem. I'm sure it doesn't matter to you since your computer it running, but I don't understand why you don't think it could be the inverter since they go bad much more often than panels do. If they fail the computer will still start with no light, but if it shorts it won't.
더 읽어보기forget the power supply right now, check the dc/dc board, if you don't have the proper voltages there then ck the power supply. looking straight into the dc/dc female plug... onA - Grd-12vR -(?) -5.0vR -3.3vR (?) - 12v - 12v - 5.0v - onB - 3.3v the ? pins are probably grounds as well, but I'm not 100% sure - the 'R' voltages are only on when the power A and B pins are touched together ie. the computer is on
더 읽어보기I'm jealous, I can't get the first LED to light on my 17". from what I have learned so far the I mac runs on three voltages - 5v, 3.3v and 12v for the inverters. If any of these are shorted out (go to ground) then the iMac shuts the power off. So you probably have a bad inverter or bad bulbs not a power supply problem.
더 읽어보기My personal opinion is that there is something wrong with the LCD's inverter. I know if there is a short in any power supply the computer will shut down. The iMac runs on 5 and 3.3v but also has 12v fed through the Logic Board to the inverters. So if you have a shorted inverter it wont start up. You have a problem with the inverter or the video. And a connector for each one so you can unplug the power to the inverter on the logic board but leave the video connector in and if it starts up you have a bad inverter.
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