About Me:
York University, School of Information Technology I am currently enrolled in the Information Technology program at York University. I absolutely love my major and I wake up every single day motivated to go to class and have a surrounding that makes me feel like I belong to a community. I could not have picked a better thing to study at University.
My Aspirations:
I aspire to work in the software industry and hope to become a software developer one day. It wasn’t until my second programming class that I took that I absolutely fell in love with problem solving through programming. The whole process of breaking a problem into sub-problems, debugging and making something appear on a screen is immensely gratifying for me and knowing that I made that happen is just incredibly humbling for me.
My Current Endeavors:
I have continuously been told by industry professionals that programmers/IT professionals have great technical skills but what is really lacking in the industry are the communication and the softer skills that are crucial to work in a team. Strategically, to work on these skills, I have undertaken the Resident Assistant position at my University and I get to work with an amazing team and an environment that forces me to grow.
During summer 2020, I was able to work on a Data Analytics group project with some of my peers, develop a mobile app using flutter and also teach myself Python.
I am currently designing an algorithms and programming course which aims to teach programming fundamentals to incoming freshmen along with a few other peers in my club.
Muhammad Ali Malik
York University, Team S2-G14, Melo-Thaiss Fall 2020