Elektrotechnik Ingenieur, jetzt im Ruhestand
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Elektrotechnik Ingenieur, jetzt im Ruhestand
looks like there was a misunderstanding: my speaker made noise when it should be silent, while yours makes distortion when playing
is that so ? then it is a different fault, but even easier to find ........
could be just a missing supply voltage ........
The speaker electronics consists of a power amplifier with heat sink, and some small signal stages for the filters, let me call them preamp.
i see your amp uses pin-thru-hole components, while mine uses SMD = surface mount devices
those black 8 pin parts U1, U2, U3 are your preamp stages .... you need to read the part number of those ICs
so we can look them up and find out which pins are the outputs
but first check the power supply ... see pic .....
those black parts are transistors .... measure the DC voltages at their pins with respect to ground ...... maybe you are lucky ............
Hello, i had to fix my Canton several times, first it was one resistor, then it played fine for a year or so .......
then noise again, next resistor ...... and so on ........ but now i hope i have them all ..........
did you check whether it is the small-signal circuit or the power amp ?
you can find out by disconnecting or shorting the preamp output ......... is the noise gone ?
i found the bad stage by measuring DC voltage at the op amp outputs, with the amp power on
my preamp has plus/minus 12V power supply, so the outputs have 0 V DC and must be steady, not fluctuate
or you could isolate the bad stage by temporary shorting the outputs to ground ......
can you read the resistor values ? the first digits are the value, the last digit is the number of zeros
maybe you could send me a pic of your amp ?
best regards, Gottfried