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Could be a screen that was installed previously. I would return it and buy from another vendor
더 읽어보기Plug it in iTunes and restore it. May videos on YouTube. Hopefully if it’s on an old version may not ask you for your Apple ID information. You can also try to reset your Apple ID if it does ask for it. Hope this helps
더 읽어보기Does the old screen touches if you put it back. Make sure that the Lcd connectors are clean and not damage in any way. I would compare my old Lcd with the new to make sure it looks exactly the same. This means all small components on the actual lcd and not the outer part. Verify to make sure there are not other versions of Lcd for your model for sale. If you do all then maybe you do have a faulty Lcd. I would purchase from another vendor so they don’t send the same. Hope this helps
더 읽어보기The first thing I would do is plug in to see if there’s any type of life. Example lights, sounds, vibrate etc. if not I would open the phone make sure nothing is ripped or disconnected. Even if the connections looks connected I would reconnect just to make sure. I would also take a flash light and look into the Lcd to see if there are any cracks. Sometimes the glass is not crack but the Lcd could be crack inside. Depending on the type of phone remove or unplug the battery and plug back in. Plug in the charger and see if it gets hot anywhere. Plug into a computer and see if it reads. If it’s an iPhone do a soft reset. Many videos on YouTube depending on your model. Of still don’t work you would need more professional tools to do better diagnostic on the board. Hope this helps.
더 읽어보기Sometimes if you put the wrong size screw in the wrong place when replacing the Lcd it damages the track that causes this issue. Before it was worth spending time and money repairing the track but Iphone 5 which is now being discontinued and cheap to purchase does not make any sense. Hope this help
더 읽어보기It would be more practical to install the entire Lcd assembly for that phone. Does not worth sweating out the glass only
더 읽어보기Wow that’s a strange issue. I know you said that you reset the phone. Try to connect to iTunes and restore it. Also make sure that your digitizer is working properly for example make sure that every letter and symbol works properly. Sometimes you may press 9 and 6 pops up. Make sure that’s not the issue. Please let me know if that helped.
더 읽어보기First make sure that your home button was not broken while doing the install. Look very carefully because some rips on the flex sometimes can be hard to see. Second try another screen and make sure you are using the original home button that case with the phone. I would also reinstall the broken screen and see if the home button works. If all fail try to update your phone on iTunes. I would even try to back up and restore. Unfortunately replacing the home button will not help. Your next step would be taking it to apple for help or use a third party so that fixes home button for iPhone 7. Hope this helps. Good luck
더 읽어보기Plug the phone into iTunes. 1st turn the phone off. Then power on the phone while holding the home button. You should see plug into iTunes logo. Then restore your device. There lots of videos on YouTube to help
더 읽어보기Try a new battery and also the old one to see if it does not loop anymore. If it continues plug the phone into iTunes and update 1st. If that don’t work then I would suggest a restore. Remember when you restore you will loose all your information. Thanks and Good Luck
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