I can but I can not connect to any cellular network, there is another thing I notice is that when start the phone for the first time, the automatic date and time zone it keep searching for time and always select the wrong time zone such as Singapore , while I am placed in Yemen,
having the same issue, replaced the volume power flex with no luck getting the service back, even cycling airplane mode wont work it will stuck on searching, even i tried to look for carriers manual but still can not see any other network.. any advice
even i bough it from my trusted supplier but i end up replacing the digitizer 3 times, first i thought i it was my fault in the end i have checked both prevous flex they were damaged, i have tried to find out how it was in the first place but every time i end up with the crazy ipad jumping and selecting application, is there anyone had luck with his installation, Regards
i have experienced the same issue, i have checked everything was in order, sticker, all AC were covered in proper order, after replacing the second digitizer i found out when putting the digitizer back to the frame the digitizer flex broke and there is no solution to fix, only replacement with new digitizer, i advice not to buy the cheap one as you will pay twice (BAD QUALITY)