Where can you find schematics?
My Dell 2005FPW is dying. It's a good monitor and before just tossing it, I would like to try a repair. I'm pretty sure the problem is a failing capacitor; it takes a long time to warm up (flickering or rolling screen as if no vertical hold) and then works fine for long periods.
I would like to get its schematic to ID the components that appear to need replacements. I've made several web searches — no joy. Are these diagrams available anywhere?
Will appreciate any info. Thanks in advance.
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댓글 6개
Did you ever have any luck repairing your monitor? I have the same exact problem wrong with mine. I am about to replace 7 capacitors, but none of them visually look bad. So it is just on a hunch. Would love to hear if you had any success.
Bob Lair
Bob 의
can You re-post the service manual for the 2005fpw plz
scotthillspa 의
Guys. If anyone has a link or could forward me the schematics to the Dell 2405fpw I would be forever in your debt. I have four of these monitors and one is behaving very oddly indeed and I need to to take a look at it myself before sending it off to repairs. A repair manual / schematics would help me out no end. Thanks in advance.
evoque1 의
@oldturkey03 - Can you repost the manual?
Dan 의
@danj and evoque1 link has been reactivated.
oldturkey03 의
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