What Components are on the audio control cable?
Hi what components are on the audio control cable on the iPhone 6? And could the failure of these components cause the speaker to stop working?
Thanks to add a little more context I have an iPhone 6 that was water damaged and had many problems.
The following components have been replaced
Display Assembly which Includes
> Front Facing camera
The Loudspeaker
The Lighting cable and headphone Jack.
The logic board was removed any given a bath in isopropyl alcohol and refitted.
Everything on the phone now works when the headphone are plugged in however the sound does not work when the headphones are unplugged.
I’m at a loss to work out what to try next.
좋은 질문입니까?
댓글 4개
Volume button cable? Vibrate switch and pretty much that's all.
The top speaker (connected to front camera assembly) or bottom speaker (connected to charging port assembly)?
Ben 의
OK am about to Give up on this can not figure out what the problem is. Has anyone else got any ideas ?
Alan 의
Hmm... the fact that it has been water damaged makes it a little more complicated. Once a device comes in contact with liquid even after being cleaned with isopropyl alcohol it makes that phone incredibly unpredictable, also who's to say the components that have been replaced aren't faulty too. There are many variables to a water damaged phone so the fact that the phone is operating at all is considered a huge plus. I deal with liquid damage phones on a daily basis and the majority of them never come back to life, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but sometimes it's better to hear the hard truth. Good luck with it nevertheless.
Andres 의
Are the connectors on the logic board affected by the liquid damage at all like corrosion / burn marks?
Might want to try another charging port to rule it out being faulty.
Ben 의