unexpected sounds from board
Hi all ,
I hope find you well.
I have the above macbook 2008 and i am notice unexpected sounds from the logic board. this is not cooling fan noise and not hdd noice . I am notice that when I upgrade the logicboard of the laptop and ram to 5 gb ram and 60 gb ssd samsung. the question is if the sound is produced from ssd or ram modules or power mangment on logic board or from nvidia gpu or from wifi dongle. if ram module is not sit proberly can this make sound ? the laptop is fully functional and no problems at all ... Te person that sell me the board tellme that check it before sent out the board and no problems found but he didnt chek the charging ability because he dont have battery but i manage to charge the battery with out any problem... The sound is very low like sh electric sh but is low. Also the old logic board make a small amound of sound but i hope that was because the board is faulty,but now the new one also make sounds but is in lower level.
Any advice is accepted . Thanks!
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