Repair manual Bernina 1001 or 1000-series?
Having problems with the bottom thread; on the top a straight stitch, on the bottom a rather loose "S"-shape bobbin thread. Tried all kinds of upper- and bobbin-tension settings, needles, threads. Hook seems to be on time; no "pick-up" issues. The feed-dogs seem on time. Top-tensioner seems to work fine too. Have 2x metal bobbin holders, tried with different bobbins (metal & plastic), tried all kinds of tensions; same result. I just can't figure out what causes the problem.
It would be nice to get a repair manual to check the settings / timings against my machine.
Has anybody a repair / service manual of the Bernina 1001? (the current Bernina 1008 model seems very identical)
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I just broke a needle on my 1001. I replaced the needle, tested it and have a bird's nest with the bobbin thread. I tried the user's manual, but it has nothing about this problem. I've been trying to make crisis masks and this is throwing a wrench in the project. Can you help me? And, what question am I supposed to answer? (See below) 의