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2017년 3 월에 출시된 G6은 Android 7.0 기반 LG의 주력 핸드폰입니다. 이 기기는 모든 주요 무선 통신사에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 기기를 물리적으로 수리하면 방수 기능이 사라져 물에 취약할 수 있습니다.

20 질문 전체 보기

Moisture Detected, Charging is blocked.

Hi, my father has an LG G6, and it has been saying moisture detected and prevented the device from charging. We have tried MANY things, putting it in a bag of rice even though he knew he didn't drop it in water or anything, using compressed air, rubbing alcohol in the port, WD40, EVERYTHING we could find online. But we have heard you can shut off the moisture detection, BUT all the videos we find are of different carriers "secret menu codes" so we can't figure it out. We have sprint, any help we can get? This seems to be a very common issue with the G6. I personally NEVER buy LG phones, because I know all the issues they have had in the past and present.

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댓글 31개

Same problem, started roughly the same time. I feel like im doing damage performing all these recommended cleanings. This "feature" needs to be removed or have that option. LG should not have the right to block my ability to use the phone because their equipment thinks there is moisture...

You can try this

*#546368#*930# ----> SVC Menu ---> Moisture Detect Setting ---> Disable

Replace 930 with your G6 model number. Mine was 873 and I turned it off. I'll have to test it later to see if I still get the message. Alternatively, what other thing worked for me was switching around the usb type c end that goes in the phone to the smooth side facing up. The connected side always sets off the message

model number is 988. I get a message "your call cannot be completed as dialed".

I did manage to change the settimg to disable and it still gives me the moisture detected warnings

Try removing the sim card and then sliding the slot back in. I tried that and then my LG G6 started charging.

댓글 26개 더보기

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답변 10개

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I don’t normally work on LG phones but I did have an LG G6 come in the shop recently and I had exactly this problem following a microsoldering repair. I even used the suggestions in this Q&A so I’m happy to contribute back to LG users and experts :>).

Here are my results (which may vary as every phone and situation is unique).

  • I found tons of pocket lint inside the charge port. This is known to cause this error message as well but in my case, cleaning it out it didn’t solve the problem.
  • I cleaned the port with 99% IPA. I wouldn’t recommend WD40 as the OP tried because while it’s great at removing moisture, it also leaves an oily residue. A bag of rice does nothing…compressed air would have been faster and more effective but in my case, there was no moisture inside the port, contrary to what the phone thinks.
  • I tried activating USB Debugging mode in order to disable connection to the LG System Server —> didn’t help
  • I followed @povertyd suggestion. This worked partially, allowing me to charge the device but when I rebooted the device, it was back to the Moisture message again.
  • Because I had worked on the phone, I did a thorough visual inspection under high magnification of the Charge Port Flex and the inside of the charge port itself. No damage to the pins, no (more) visible debris, no dislodged components next to the connectors.
  • In the end, on a hunch, I tried a different USB-C cable and voila…that was it!

My only other option left before figuring out that it was the USB cable was to replace the Charge Port Flex (iFixit doesn’t seem to carry it so here is an alternative). They are inexpensive and relatively easy to replace.

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댓글 2개:

yeah even i replaced my usb cable then it worked

Thank you for these 2018 comments. Yes, I am still using a LG G6. First time in last two days that I get that moisture & disconnect cable message.

I have then decided to charge my phone on the wireless charging stand.

Interesting that the 2 charging cables I usually used, would have become defective. A fluke I guess.

Here is plan of action :

1. Check the ending of my current cables and the entry to the cell usb port (clean it with contact cleaner with mini cleaning swabs.

2. Check and test many new usb C cables, I already have.

3. If not improvement to the usb port, I will open the phone and check the soldering of the usb port connectors. I will re-solder of get a replacement part.

The plan if to pass on the phone to my son, who has an even older Android phone. :D

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Generally when the port detects that there is moisture when it is no moisture it is solved by replacing the charging port.

You can follow this guide to replace the part.

LG G6 Charge Port Replacement

The part is availible online, for example here is one from amazon.


I hope this helps,

Charlie B

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댓글 15개:

I legit just did this, and it worked: Take a lighter and light it. GENTLY wave the flame back and forth in front of the charge port for about 5 seconds (might take longer, I just didn't have to do it for very long). After that, I plugged my phone into the charger and it's charging great now! Hope this helps!

I know this might seem drastic, but hey, whatever works.

Holy !&&*! This guy diserves a raise! After trying all above suggested fix it tips. THIS worked! Who would have thought

I tried to use the vacuum not working now I am trying the lighter detect moisture and won’t charge

Put in warm oven

Wow it actually works..thank u so much!

댓글 10개 더보기

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My fix is very simple, now that I’ve discovered it. The charger connection can go either way up. If I plug it in one way, I get the moisture alarm; if I turn it over, it charges fine. Go figure!

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점수 5

댓글 10개:

Hi, thank you for this simple tip, it DOES WORK THIS WAY FOR MY LG G6..

This worked! Thank you so much

something so simple. thank you.

Thank you for this very simple fix

Charger cable plug in “smooth" side up. It fits the other way too BUT then that's when the error occurs.

I hope this works for everyone.

Spread the wird.

댓글 5개 더보기

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Hi. I had to try several things, but what ultimately worked was restarting the phone WITHOUT REMOVING THE CHARGER . I left it connected to the phone, did a restart, and when my LG Venture phone came back on; it charged normally. Works everytime…hope it works for you!

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Here’s how I fixed it and I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. Press on the notification when it pops up. Go to More Settings. Under Categories it will show the USB notification. There was a 3 dot menu indicator that I hadn’t seen before. Press it. Set notification to Low - no sound or text. That did it!

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댓글 12개:

I fixed my phone the same way. Now it charges via usb, problem solved.

In SVC menu I disabled moisture detection and enabled it and it hasn't said moisture detected yet it's only been a few minutes but it worked so far

Where is my SVC menu I can't find anything like that in my phone

I fixed the same problem on my phone. When usb sign caming up in notification bar pull it down to read notification "moisture in usb port detected". Then pull that note to the right half way and tap "Settings" button.. While in LG system settings change priority for "moisture in usb port..." from highest to lowest priority. Done.

No annoying notifications since I did it. And yes, now the phone is charging through the USB port. However I'm not sure what's going to happen if you will get real water in usb port and not system malfunction.  If you do it, you do it at your own risk. Good luck.

I had the same problem. I deleted my cache files and restarted my LG6 and the moisture warning went away.

댓글 7개 더보기

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To be honest, I'm so !#^&@@ it has been this way for 4 days now. Nothing permanent works, but I did everything.
I restarted my phone on off, i did the code thing didn't worked, I turned off the notif, I reset data for LG system server, now i tried 3 type-C usb cable, some.works then detects again, then another one you have to flip the side of the USB itself then it charges. Sometimes it gets full, some times it detects things likeeee this thing moisture fcking thing has mood swings and I'm sick of doing this, I tries cleaning, brush and removing dirt from inside. Nothing permanent works.

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댓글 1개:

I had the same problem, and did most of what you did, finally what I did was unplug the phone plug it back in and do that 2 or 3 times, also try flipping the plug and doing the same thing, also I have plugged the cable in turned the phone off wait about 20 seconds turn back on, my phone is working good now, Good luck


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You can try this, this may help you


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Sorry for my English, I'm Brazilian using a translator, my solution briefly (not permanently) was to turn off the phone in safe mode, holding the on and off button, and pressing It on the screen you will see security option

AIt will restart cellphone, you can connect cable when cellphone is on home screen, it won't get moisture alert

But if you remove the cable it will come back, so you will have to go back to normal mode, do this to charge your device, then go back to normal mode through notifications

It's not permanent but better than breaking your head.

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I cut the phone off, plugged in charging cord. (there was a orange warning symbol) Turned phone back on, no alarm. Now I am able to unplug and replug the phone no problems

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Dry toothbrush clean of charge port and quick blow with hair dryer did the trick, all software fixes had failed. Must have been some lint or pocket fluff in there somewhere ?

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