Walkman audio output trouble.
I have a Sears Roebuck model 564.21162250 Walkman. No sound from right channel.
Removed headphone jack. It’s fine. Checked a/c voltage for left and right channels. Both measured around 1.6 volts. That’s where my trouble shooting skills end.
For the record, I soldered a connection directly to the board with headphone jack removed. Same problem.
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Hi @jrcspnkr117,
Have you cleaned the tape pickup head you didn't say?
Being stereo there will be a pickup on the head for each channel.
Are you hearing a click or noise (very faint hissing sound) on the right channel at all even if there is no audio when a tape is playing?
jayeff 의
No I haven’t. It does it with the radio as well though.
James Creel 의
Still check for a hissing sound on the right channel when the radio selected.
If there it indicates a possible R channel audio input problem, if not there a possible R channel audio output problem
Is there a model number of the motherboard?
jayeff 의
Only markings on the board is s1256, or sl 256. Can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a 1 or an l.
Thanks for responding. This website is so cool.
James Creel 의
Are there any capacitors near to the headphone socket or the speaker i.e. away from the power supply side of the board?
With some audio circuits there are coupling capacitors on the L & R outputs that may go faulty.
Being an older device hopefully they're not smd type but the more usual cylindrical type and you can check if they at least look OK
jayeff 의