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게시글: "I have horizontal lines on part of my TV screen."에 답변
마지막 투표:
투표인: oldturkey03 (관리자 결정됨)

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I have horizontal lines on part of my TV screen.

Hi all - Hopefully someone out there might be a little bit more helpful than the Sony Troubleshooting Guide:

Sony Bravia Model No: KDL-47W805A

Only yesterday a number of horizontal lines appeared on my TV screen, only the lower 1/3 portion of the screen though. They intermittently flicker between 1/3 of the screen having visible lines to only the top three of four lines.

I have attached two pictures below which I hope go some way to demonstrating the issue.

So far I have:

1: Switched the TV off for a period of time and then switched it back on - The lines still appear.

2: Removed all the connecting cables (Amazon, HDMI, Cable) and then switched it back on again - The lines still appear.

3: Conducted a factory reset - The lines still appear.

4: Applied pressure along the edges of the TV where the lines appear - No change, the lines are still visible, no distortion to them. Although this might seem strange I read somewhere that if there is a loose connection along the LCD connectors applying pressure might confirm this is the lines change with the application of pressure.

5: Given up :(

Block Image
Block Image

평판: 10.3k


One thing you might want to try is give the TV a few wacks on the back. Just lightly hit the Tv a few times on the back all around, and see if that fixes your issue. if it happens to, or when doing it you see the lines go away but come back right after you hit it, it could be a loose connection, If it doesnt, report back and we will explore other options.

But sometimes hitting it actually works!