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게시글: "Why is my usb cable acting so weird?"에 답변
마지막 투표:
투표인: mayer (관리자 결정됨)

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Why is my usb cable acting so weird?

i accidently dropped my portable charger which i had my usb cable attachted to it, the light on the charger still shows its fully charged but when i tried to charge my phone with it, it wouldnt charge the same way at all, it would only charge halfway or if i put it in a certain way .. i even tried charging my phone with my usb cable but this message shows up saying it doesnt recognize it and that it has malfunctioned.. my battery is working fine but idk what the issue is im really worried because i dont want it to be a battery or ic chip issue again


Hey amzad! My guess is, when you dropped your portable power bank, it damaged the cord its self. ( which we have all done, don’t worry about it ) Have you tried using a different cable at all? If you try a new cable and the same error pops up, there might be a larger issue at hand.