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게시글: "How can I fix the flash after a fall?"에 답변
마지막 투표:
투표인: oldturkey03 (관리자 결정됨)

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How can I fix the flash after a fall?

The flash will not open as the body is slightly bent. How can I open it and try a repair? Am I likely to damage the camera when I do this? The camera works just the flash doesn’t.


Your best bet (as with many compact camera repairs) is probably to find another one of the same model on eBay, advertised as “spares or repair” but with a body in reasonably good condition. They generally go pretty cheaply. Practice disassembly on that then you should be able to swap out the damaged parts on your own camera.

A quick Google search gave me a few disassembly videos for that model but not a disassembly guide, though you can find a service manual at


(Be sure to use the inconspicuous download link below the service manual preview, not the large download button which will only give you unwanted software.)