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게시글: "LCD screen is broken on my TI-nSpire CX"에 답변
마지막 투표:
투표인: Nick , [deleted] , Angel , jayeff

세부 사항 숨기기


LCD screen is broken on my TI-nSpire CX

Block Image

I had someone drop my TI- nSpire CX calculator, and now the LCD screen is cracked, so no clear image appears. Is there a way to replace this screen or is the calculator ruined.


It looks like you might be able to repair it, but since TI doesn’t offer first party parts you’ll either have to find a for-parts Nspire CX on Ebay or find parts on sites like taobao: https://world.taobao.com/item/1957647300... (cost about $14 USD). I have not personally bought from that site before, however it was provided by TI-Planet.org, a site well experienced in all things Nspire related. Before you go out and buy one, could you please tell me your calculator’s hardware revision? It will effect which screen you need to get. If you don’t know where it is, 'it's the few letters on the back of the calcualtor, to the right of the serial number. It looks like P-1115W, for instance, meaning hardware revision W'''

Once you have a screen on hand, you can use this guide on iFixit, and this guide on TI-Planet.org to swap out the screen. Good luck!