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게시글: "Can't boot from usb flash drive"에 답변
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Can't boot from usb flash drive


I turned my hard drive from MBR to GPT then I tried to boot in uefi mode but an error message appears say's there is no bootable device ,,although iam trying to boot from USB flash drive with win 10

what does this mean ?

Any help greatly appreciated


Hope This Helps-Calvin Mogilinski

1) Make sure that your USB bootable shows on a working computer before trying the new BIOS

2) CSM or Legacy selection are for booting Windows 7, I think, and the UEFI selection is for Windows 8.

3) when u start press F10/F11(or whatever key) for boot options and if u see categories as removable, hard , CD and etc. Don't choose removable, choose hard u will see your hard and USB stick


Windows 8 and higher OS uses UEFI mode and has GPT Disk Partition type by default. Therefore installing windows 7 and lower OS that is BIOS Based and uses MBR disk partition takes some proper configuration to be successful.

I ran into the same problem when I changed from Windows 10 (due to it's current flaw -the increased internet usage through background apps and system updates) to windows 7.

Although it is marked solved, I still have taken the time to add my solution hoping to help future readers of this thread.

UEFI has feature called safe boot which adds a extra layer of security to the loader and it prevents booting from external sources like bootable USB Drive or CD. Therefore even if you make a Bootable flashdrive or CD it won't show up on boot menu or booting process.


Backup all your necessary data to an External Disk Drive/Flash Drive/ or another Unit. Do not just backup on the same disk with different partition because you might end up deleting all current partitions on the disk to install a fresh copy of Windows 7. See note below.

What we can do:

Option 1.Disable Safe boot and change Boot Mode to CSM/Legacy BIOS Mode.

Option 2.Make a bootable USB Drive/CD that is acceptable/compatible to UEFI.


1st Option:

Disable Safe boot and change Boot Mode to CSM/Legacy BIOS Mode.

1. Load BIOS Settings page ((Head to BIOS Setting on your PC/Laptop which differs from different brands. Usually by striking [F2] key upon loading the unit and before the OS logo appears on the screen. Just search on net how to go to your BIOS settings based on your brand.)

2.Disable Safe boot option from BIOS security settings.

3.Find on your BIOS Settings about Boot Mode, change from UEFI(Unified Extensible Firmware Inferface) boot to CSM(Compability Support Mode)/Legacy BIOS mode boot. Remember that UEFI uses GPT partition type and CSM uses MBR. (Reference on GPT and CSM on link below)

4.a From BIOS Boot Order make the USB as the first priority/first boot.(Remember to revert this option after the installation to prevent future error when booting Unit with attached USB Drive on its port).


b. You may skip 4.a and just press the Boot Option Menu Key before OS logo appears during booting. It's usually [F8] or [F10] or [F11] or [F12] on the most brands. Then select USB from Boot menu from options.

5. Save and exit from bios

6. Boot from installer and Install OS.


If your current OS is windows 8 or higher, as I said it uses GPT partition type disk by default not MBR thus you need to make the Disk converted into MBR or erase All Partitions until the disk is fully unallocated (means losing all your precious files) then create new partitions for your windows 7 System and Data Drive.

2nd Option:

Make a bootable USB Drive/CD that is acceptable/compatible to UEFI.