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게시글: "Can I replace my motherboard and what are my options?"에 답변
마지막 투표:
투표인: oldturkey03 (관리자 결정됨)

세부 사항 숨기기


Can I replace my motherboard and what are my options?

I bought this laptop in 2007 and I want to upgrade my processor and my graphics card (I have Intel graphics currently and an Intel Pentium 1.49GHz processor). Can I upgrade my motherboard + processor + graphics?


You're kidding, right? You can buy a new laptop for what you'd spend on this. You know you'll have to upgrade the power supply, and RAM,too? And after all that, you'll have a faster computer, but still have that dismally small hard drive.

Your best bet might be upgrading RAM To 2 or 3 Gig (whatever the max is for your machine) and a better graphics card.