I have successfully completed this repair guide twice. Thanks a lot for providing the guide!
One thing: One of the iFixit batteries had a charge level of 1%, so it was about to be completely discharged. If you have other rechargeable batteries in stock, you should charge them from time to time, otherwise they may get destroyed.
Great tutorial and I followed step by step successfully. But I did (and recommend to do) steps 17 - 20 first, and 13 - 16 afterwards. If you remove the back panel first, it is easier to unconnect the battery than vice versa.
Diese Anleitung sollte im Akku-Tausch Tutorial verlinkt sein und auch in der Produktbeschreibung. Ich habe diesen Artikel erst gefunden, nachdem ich die Rückseite schon befestigt hatte (zum Glück richtig).