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If you have difficulty with the Toshiba Dynabook T552-58G, refer to the troubleshooting guide
Background Information
The Toshiba Dynabook T552-58G was released in May 2012. This particular device can be identified by the it's model number, which is: PSKFUN-01M00D.
The Toshiba Dynabook T552-58G itself is boxier and is completely white. The keyboard features an all white keyboard with both the English alphabet and Japanese Hiragana characters on the keys.
Compared to earlier versions of the Toshiba Dynabook, this version has a wider screen (15.622 in) and a higher screen resolution (1366 x 768). These upgrades helped users see their screen much clearer and made looking at a computer more enjoyable. The Toshiba Dynabook T552 was replaced in 2014 with multiple models. Some of these models are the T85, the T75, the T65, the T55 and the T45.
Additional Information
Toshiba Dynabook T552-58G Disassembly
Toshiba Dynabook T552-58G General Information