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게시글: "Why won't my iPhone 4 turn on?"에 답변
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Why won't my iPhone 4 turn on?

My iPhone 4 isn't turning on. What can I try to get it working again?

평판: 24.4k


First, try connecting the iPhone to a wall charger to see if it will turn on, which will begin to happen immediately. If that does not work, let it charge for 10-20 minutes and hopefully it will turn on.

Second, try a Hard Reset by holding both the Power/Top button and Home Button for about 15 seconds until iPhone turns on.

Third, try carefully cleaning the charging port with isopropyl alcohol. Make sure to clean the charging pins and let dry for a few minutes. Then try to plug in a charger and turn on iPhone.

If these initial attempts do not work, check out the iPhone 4 Troubleshooting Page or the iPhone won’t turn on wiki for more solutions. Good luck.
